The documents linked below on this page are posted here in compliance with the Massachusetts Mosquito Control Budget Notification & Compliance Certification Policy.

If you are arriving at this link after receiving a notice from an e-mail sent to you as a Town official, please feel free to click on the links. You are not required to do anything in response. The policy has changed from the way it was in the past, where a town administrator or appointee was invited to attend a public budget meeting and asked to approve or disapprove of the District’s proposed budget for the upcoming fiscal year.

This information is provided in the interest of transparency. If you do have questions regarding any of these documents, please contact Dave Lawson through the District phone at (781) 762-3681, or Dave’s email  – [email protected]

You can also contact John Lebeaux at the State Reclamation and Mosquito Control Board, with questions or concerns.

[email protected]


Notice of Preliminary Proposed Budget for FY 2025

FY 2025 Estimated Cherry Sheet Assessments

Budget Increase Justification